Home Pest Control

How Can I Prevent Spiders From Entering My Birmingham, AL Home?

How Can I Prevent Spiders From Entering My Birmingham, AL Home?

Spiders usually make webs, and they are hard to see. Walking into them isn’t fun, especially since they’re so gummy and may have pests stuck to them. This is just one reason why people don’t like these pests. They have menacing appearances and features, with their bevy of beady eyes and sharp fangs. Worst of all, they have venom. One bite can have you in pain or hospitalized.

Typically, spiders in your Birmingham home are nothing to be alarmed about. Many species are tame. However, it’s also possible for a medically dangerous black widow or brown recluse to be around. They plague much of North America. Learn more about their perils and how you can deter them with help from Superior Pest Management.

What Spiders Are Common in Birmingham? What Are the Risks?

Black widow and brown recluse spiders are two of the species present in the region. Black widows are very shiny and 0.12 of an inch long. Males may be 0.39 of an inch at the largest. Females, on the other hand, can be 0.51 of an inch. On their stomachs is a red shape akin to an hourglass. Being outdoor bugs, they surround thick grass, wood, and organic debris. If they run low on food or the weather is uncomfortable, they’ll seek shelter in your home. Spaces that are dim and settled will be most attractive to them—for example, closets, garages, and basements. You’ll be exposed to neurotoxins if you’re bitten. Black widows consume fellow pests, so they’re a clue to a broader problem.

Brown recluses are as you imagine; brown or tan. They are generally 0.50 of an inch long. A light violin-like mark is on their abdomens. Look for this when trying to differentiate them from similar spiders. When they come out of piles of natural matter, they’ll go after critters to feed. In domiciles and establishments, they’ll be in dark and still places. Attics, sheds, cabinets, crawlspaces, and cellars are often rife with them. Should you see the bugs, they’re liable to scurry off in a hurry on their long and scrawny legs. They procreate quickly. You’ll have lesions, fever, and nausea following a bite.

Both of these spiders have these things in common:

  • Medical attention is required with bites

  • They are nocturnal pests

  • Spotting one verifies an infestation

  • Floor corners, firewood, and furniture are where you can find them

What Can Be Done to Prevent Birmingham Spiders?

To make sure spiders stay away, you’ll have to maintain rigorous cleaning practices. You’ll also have to pay more attention to your exteriors. This will keep the pests that they target out of your home. Take these steps:

  • Patch up holes in windows, doors, and foundations.

  • Ensure sweeps and screens are intact.

  • Have leaks and moisture fractures repaired as soon as possible.

  • Use a dehumidifier or turn on the air conditioner to regulate warmth.

  • Put food and trash in canisters with secure lids.

  • Get webs up with a broom.

  • Sweep, vacuum, and dust on a routine basis.

  • Reduce all clutter.

  • Mow the lawn and trim the greenery regularly. Discard yard debris.

  • Place wood and plants at least two feet away from the property.

  • Scan storage items and logs before bringing them indoors.

  • Contact Superior Pest Management if you have critters that spiders eat.

How Will Superior Pest Management Handle Birmingham Spiders?

Retail pesticides won’t do the trick for a spider infestation. Just single bugs here and there will expire. Shelf goods can be noxious as well. The expert technicians at Superior Pest Management will use safe industrial-grade solutions. Our treatments include interior and exterior avenues, perimeter barriers, de-webbing, de-nesting, and more. Call 205-462-7001 today for a free inspection!